Shipping & Returns

      1. How long does shipping take? All personalized jewelry and personalized handbag orders will arrive within 25-30 business days from your purchase date. Any non-personalized jewelry orders will arrive within 10-12 business days.
      2. What if my order includes items that are personalized and non-personalizedIf your order  includes items that are personalized and non personalized, it will not be shipped until your personalized jewelry or handbag is processing and completed.
      3. How will my jewelry order be shipped? All orders are shipped via USPS (United States Postal Service).
      4. How will my handbag order be shipped? All handbag orders are shipped via UPS (United Parcel Service).
      5. When will I know that my order has shipped? When your order is shipped to you, you will receive a shipping confirmation sent to the email address you provided when completing your purchase.
      6. Can I return my order? All orders are made to order and are, therefore, final sale. Please make sure to enter the correct spelling and sizing during checkout. If you believe there was a mistake with the spelling or sizing of your order on our end, please contact us at: