When God gave me the vision for, She’s the Bag in October 2019, I immediately knew that I had to legally protect the design because it was something that I had never seen before within the handbag industry. Throughout the handbag industry, it is very common to wear a designer’s name or logo centered across the front of a handbag or monogramed all over the handbag.
Instead of wearing a famous handbag designer’s name across the front of your handbag, She’s the Bag allows you to wear luxury with your own name on it ™️. She’s the Bag is here to change the narrative of the handbag industry and how designer handbags are perceived.
She’s the Bag is more about the woman who is wearing her, and less about the designer who created/designed her. She’s the Bag is the first handbag featuring a personalized nameplate necklace. Each She’s the Bag is individually handcrafted in the USA and is “patent-pending.” I am so proud and ecstatic that God trusted me with this vision. Be inspired, but don’t copy. Respectfully.